Thursday, December 16, 2010

HDR Photography Review

My thoughts on HDR photography are plain and simple. It is wonderful. To me, when I look at an HDr picture, I enter a dream world where everything looks different to me and different is good! It makes me study the picture more than I usually would for a normal shot. I feel as if I am sleeping and dreaming of beautiful things when I look at it. It almost reminds me of an Alice in Wonderland type world.

There are controversies about HDR photography and it is because some people out there think that it looks bad because of the unrealistic look and feel it gives off. Also others think it looks sloppy and burry. I suppose it's all an opinion thing but thats just what I think. I think it doesn't look unrealistic, I just think it gives it a richer feel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Great pics. I'm just learning about HDR. I can't afford $700 for PhotoShop, but there are alternatives. Do you use PS? Gimp? Any advice on a program to layer with?
