Monday, September 13, 2010

Lesson 1: Introduction to Photography Assignment


A triangulation photo from the internet.

My triangulation photo.
I chose to use this photofor triangulation because of the triangle in the middle of the three movies and because of the way the people are set up on the front of the DVD. They are kind of in a triangle shape to draw your eye to it even more. I chose this shot because I have a connection with it because they are three of my favorite movies and they all mean something to me. So, that is why this is a perfect shot for triangulation.


An arrangement photo from the internet.

My Arrangement Photo.

I decided on this photo for arrangement because of the way the different styled bouncy balls are arranged. They are moving from front to back in a line style and they are all different colors. I have a great connection with this picture because I am a very colorful person and so, I chose to use colorful objects and it really just speaks to me.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of thirds photo from the internet.

My Rule of thirds photo.

This picture is perfect for the rule of thirds because of where the penguin is placed in the photo. He is near the right side of the picture which is perfect placement. I love this picture because my little stuffed animal penguin, Perry is in it and I have a serious obsession with penguins so I have a great connection with this one! :)

Axial Symmetry

Axial Symmetry photo from the internet.

My axial symmetry photo.

This photo fits perfect for Axial Symmetry because it is a mirror image. The book is open on both sides and the same thing is happening on each side. Words are spread onto the page in a lined fashion which makes it look neat and simple.

Radial Symmetry

Radial Symmetry photo from internet.

My Radial symmetry photo.

This picture is perfect for radial symmetry because all the puzzle pieces are focused on the one middle piece in the middle. They all are orbiting around the same focal point making it a perfect example.


Overlapping photo from the internet.

My overlapping photo.

I've chosen this picture for overlapping because there are many objects overlapping in this shot. For one, the blue candle holder is overlapping the grey candle holder. Also, the grey candle holder is overlapping the plant holder and the leaves on the plant are kind of overlapping the lamp stand.

Breaking the Rules

Breaking the rules photo from the internet.

My breaking the rules photo.

This picture I have catagorized as breaking the rules because the camera was tilted on an angle. Making the picture off balance and un centered. So, that is why this photo is the perfect fit for breaking the rules, and all it took was a simple turn of the camera.

Background, Midground, Foreground

Background, midground, foreground picture from internet.

My background, midground, and foreground photo.

This picture would represent midground, foreground, and background. In the foreground you have the ledge on the right side with the candle and movie on it. In the midground you have the rug with the door to the right. And lastly, in the background you have to the two doors leading left and right. So, this picture is perfect for representing what I needed it to.

Focal Point

Focal point picture from the internet.

My focal point picture.

This is the focal point picture because my sister is holding a bottle of rainbow sand. The sand is acting as the main focal point and so I blurred the rest of the picture out and then brought the bottle of sand back to the way it originally was. So, all eyes go to the thing that isn't blurred, making it the focal point.

Filling the Frame

Filling the frame photo from the internet.
My filling the frame shot.

This picture works wonderfully for the filling the frame shot. The dog and the pom poms are taking up the entire picture, leaving barely any room for anything else. So, the subject is filling the frame quite well.


Juxposition photo from the internet.

My juxposition shot.

This picture is being used for juxposition because, the books are all arranged and close together making it the best picture for this shot.

Interesting Aesthetic

Interesting Aesthetic photo from internet.

My interesting aesthetic photo.

This last picture is an Interesting Aesthetic. I leaned up against the bottom of this stand in my house and took a picture of it at it a different angle to make it look different and well...interesting.

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