Thursday, November 11, 2010

2nd Photo Critique

     To start off, might I just say that I have a weakness for city photography seeing as I used to live in the city. However that doesn't mean that I am in love with this photo. Don't get me wrong, it has it's good points but, it also has it's bad points as well. So to begin, why not dive into the good.
     Something that I enjoy quite a bit is the color contrast in this photo. Once again I say, color is something I get captured and taken in by so the use of color by this photographer makes me very pleased. If you look in the lower left corner, you notice that the bright burnt orange color dominates here and takes over the streets and trees. I really enjoy how the photographer decided to emphasize the city street lights by making them spread throughout the streets and let them glow. It shows that he or she enjoys the feel of nighttime city life and loves the lights of the city. As do I.
     Another view I have on this picture is that the orange in the bottom left really contrasts and differs from the dark blue in the top right. Because of the huge difference in color here, it draws your eyes straight towards both corners and since you can't make your eyes go everywhere, they automatically go through the entire picture and take it in. So, the photographer gains many cosmic brownie points there because instead of having one main point in the entire picture and having everyone only look at that, they look at the entire thing and that is what any photographer would want with their pictures.
     Now, to move onto the bad. What I dislike is the bright light on the building in the bottom right corner. It distracts my mind and makes me confused because it is too bright for me to focus on. The picture would be much better either without the light all together or if the photographer toned it down a bit.
     I suppose I should end on a few good notes. Some to die for is the lovely purple and pink streak in the sky to the left. Oh man, this one tiny spot makes everything better! It's like the last little accessory to a great outfit. It ties it all together and takes everyones breath away. And last but certainly not least, the action of the hustle and bustle of the cars on the freeway. How wonderful is it to see the city on it's toes at nighttime. That is the epitome of the city when the sun goes down and this photographer captured it just right! Overall, this picture get's my approval and a good smile as it brings back good memories and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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