Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Same Subject, Different Location (15 photos)

Waking up after a good nights sleep.

Reading time is first on the list of things to do.

How about some relaxing in front of the tv.

Or perhaps I will visit my family.

Visiting the family makes me tense. Time for some relaxation and tanning.

It seems I've overheated from all sun. Meds will help me feel better.

I forgot that these meds make me go CRAZY!!! I'm flying now! ;)

Since I got yelled at for flying on the fan...I've decided to look through my mom's old yearbook.

Time to watch a classic! :)

Movies over, and I'm off to the store.

Down the stairs I go...

It's been a couple hours now, and I'm back from the store. However, I'm kinda tired so I'll get into my bathrobe.

The day is coming to an end and I think this pillow looks quite comfy.

Lying down for the night sounds good to me. It's been a long, eventful day.

Aww, mommy put my bathrobe on top of me because I was cold. How nice.

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