Friday, September 3, 2010

3 Good

The Good

Verdict: This picture I like because, the lighting from the left upper corner really leaves the main focus on the tree. Which brings me to my second point of how the tree isn't in the center of the photo yet, it is still the main object and the part that catches your eye.

Verdict: This is a photo I enjoy a lot because of the angle at which it was taken. The lighting in the right corner really brings all your attention to the top of the rollercoaster which was originally suppose to be the main focus.

Verdict: And this is the last picture that I like because of the color scheme. It has a very vintage feel to it and that appeals to the eye. The dark blue in the sky draws your attention but at the same time the red in the car does as well. I enjoy a picture that gets my attention everywhere at once.

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