Friday, September 3, 2010

3 Bad

The Bad

Verdict: This picture isn't only bad, it is HORRID! First of all it is so out of focus that you get confused when you look at it. And secondly, the only color shown here is grey. It makes me feel blah and doesn't get my attention at all.

Verdict: Another bad example of a photo is the one above. On the left side of the page it is out of focus completely, and the photographer obviously got way too up close and personal with this plant! Not in good taste at all!!!!

Verdict: Whoever took this photo, cut off all the faces in the picture, which were suppose to be the main focus leaving it in bad taste and barely in focus! The colors are dull and no one seems to be paying attention to the photographer. If this was suppose to be an attempt at a candid shot, than it certainly did NOT work out.

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