Monday, October 11, 2010

How to Shoot Wildlife Article

How to Shoot Wildlife Article
By: Jim Zuckerman

     In reading the article "How to Shoot Wildlife" by Jim Zuckerman, I have discovered that wildlife subjects can be divided under two catagories, wild and under human control. Either or will make great photos. Also, it isn't nesessary to take full blown shots of a wild animal. You can take a head shot of one in the zoo and it could look just the same. However, if you must shot an animal from a vehicle, that can turn out just fine too. In wildlife parks, taking pictures from cars is much nesessary. All you need is a stable platform that attaches to the drivers car door. One great tip Jim gives to all is, that you should focus on which type of wildlife you want to shoot. Search for what animals are around where you live and work with what you have available to you. Use the internet for more information on animals around you. Lastly, in order to have a great wildlife photo you need to use great lighting, stabalized lenses, and a tripod whenever possible.

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